Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stockpiling & Ideas on How to Organize!

My bathroom closet! I was so proud that I finally decided to organize it better! I found the colorful box at a garage sale & had some already & bought the rest from Big Lots-I have over 20 body washes-I wish something else would be a money maker! I have 2 containers filled with floss & toothbrushes-I don't think I will ever have to buy that again!
I decided to take some pictures of how I organize things so I hope you find it helpful! Any other ideas-post a comment! This is where I tape all my recipes that I use a lot-saves a lot of time!
This is just an example of what I have talked about-I tape a piece of paper with what I have in the cabinets with the expiration date!
My cereal stockpile is getting low! I usually write the dates on the front with a permanent marker so I can see better when they expire.
I LOVE my can organizers & as you can see I still need more room! I do have an empty row because I need more diced tomatoes-I am patiently waiting for a good deal!
Part of my pantry! Lots of stockpile! My husband goes through oats so fast! I got these for $1.52 each at Target-they have a shelf life of 1 year+
I should have made it more neat before taking a pic! But I love this door organizer-it hooks over the door & I got it for around $20 at Wal-Mart. I keep commonly used things on it like sandwich bags, trash bags, medicines, peanut butter & bread...
Yeah my medicine cabinet needs a lot of organizing! But I keep it in a small plastic container which has been great! Shoe boxes also work great for organizing & they are FREE!
I found this at Home Depot for $2-$3-It holds a lot of oatmeal packets!


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